12-16-05 AcaBelles Tour in Atlanta
12-1-05 Christmas Carols at the Sliver Slipper from 11-1 p.m.
11-12-05 AcaBelles Fall Concert in Dohnanyi at 4:00 p.m. After
concert Preformance with Jazz Choir at Cafe Cabernet on Monroe Street at 10:00 p.m.
11-03-05 Cd release of "The Pink Album" at Coldstone at 9:00
10-23-05 National Anthem at FSU Women's Soccer Game at 12:30
10-15-05 Random Acts of A Cappella in Student Services building
at 8:00 p.m.
10-13-05 Amnesty International Speak-out-against-violence Rally
in Olgesbly Union at 7:00 p.m.
09-03-05 Retreat
09-02-05 Retreat
09-01-05 Callbacks
08-31-05 Auditions 5:00-9:00
08-30-05 Potluck 7:00 at Catherine's house
08-29-05 Information Meeting
04-13-05 Spring concert at Club Down Under,
in Oglesby union at 9:00
04-12-05 Campus Sing, in the University
State Ballroom at 8:00
04-02-05 Springtime Tallahassee 1:30-2:00
04-02-05 National Anthem at 12:40 for Womens Softball
03-31-05 Coffee House Preformance 8:30 at
Dorman Hall
03-21-05 Xtension Chords at Coldstone 7:00
03-17-05 Coldstone Creamery Fundraiser from 6:00-7:00;
come eat ice cream and support the AcaBelles.
02-13-05 GenerARTSity in Opperman at 4:00
proceeds will go to benefeit the tsunami victims.
01-22-05 ICCA Competition in Ruby Diamond
Come see 36 Mad. Ave. as well as Yahtzee and four
other a cappella groups from out of state. Buy your tickets early.
01-19-05 36 Madison Avenue comes to visit.
10-31-04 AcaBelles Fall Concert in Dohnanyi
at 8:00, don't forget to wear you costume so you can trick or treat at the door.
On coming Traffic will be preforming during intermission,
and there will also be a Mr.AcaBelles contest for your enjoyment!
10-22-04 National Anthem at the UNC vs. FSU soccer
10-21-04 Cultural Explosion at 7:00 in the student
organizations building
10-15-04 Random Acts of A cappella in the Union
Ballroom at 7:30
10-03-04 AcaBelle's CD's are here!
10-1-04 Coldstone Creamery Grand Opening
(on Tennessee St. by Moe's)
7-30-04 Have you pre-ordered your copy
of Excess Leggage yet? Check out our "Buy Our CD" page for more information!
7-29-04 Need to contact us? email us at acabelles@hotmail.com